The Climate Change and Me Curriculum
The curriculum was co-designed by a team of academics, teachers and students based on the research undertaken in the original CC+Me project from 2014-2017. The curriculum draws directly on the essays, videos, artworks, stories and poetry that local children and young people created as part of their research. It outlines a ‘collective inquiry process’ which is orientated towards collaborative and project-based learning across the Key Learning Areas of Science, English, Visual and Creative Arts, History and Geography (HSIE, NSW).
The curriculum is provided here as a PDF download:
Climate Change and Me Stage 2.3 Curriculum (Primary)
Climate Change and Me – Stage 4 Curriculum (Secondary)
The Changes is the student resource book which accompanies the curriculum. It contains art, essays, stories, poems and photographs by children and young people who participated in the research:
PowerPoint resources have also been developed to support teachers in their implementation of the Stage 2/3 and Stage 4 curricula. These are large files containing extensive video resources and activity prompts for each phase of the collective inquiry process. To request these resources please contact David Rousell at D.Rousell@mmu.ac.uk.